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Honey Sale

2 more Sweet Babies on the Pumpkin Baby list

Derek and I have been known to come up with some “interesting” ideas over the years and last year was no different. It is no secret that adoption is expensive. When we felt God telling us to go back to China for our 5th child, we didn’t wait to figure… 

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Come One, Come all!

Pumpin Sale!

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  • pumkin field prep
  • baby chestut

Baby Chestnuts and Planting Pumpkins

It’s June and that means pumpkin planting time is here again.  Last year we harvested approximately 600 pumpkins sold them at our pumpkin ‘yard-sale’ at our house in Vestavia Hills.  We’re calling it a yard-sale in case the police are reading this blog.  We don’t want them to show up… 

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A buddy of mine from high school, David Mead, had a band called the Verdant Green in the early 90’s.  A redundant name to be sure.  They were a  high school band being played on the radio and that made him and them about the coolest ever. He’s still pretty cool… 

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First, I want to apologize for no update in 6 months.  It has been way too long.  I’ve had much to write about but I seem to never get around to publishing them.  I think my problem is that I try to write a complete entry, polish it, take the… 

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Harvest Sale Friday and Saturday

Pumpkin Harvest!

The pumpkin seeds we planted in late June have grown into lush vines with leaves the size of a Direct TV satellite dish.  And those vines have given birth to pumpkins.  Over the next 10 days we’ll be harvesting and storing them to properly cure.  I thought it would be… 

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Chestnut Growers of America

In June I attended my first-ever Chestnut Growers of America annual convention.  This year it was hosted by Richard Teague of High Rock Farm in Gibsonville, North Carolina.  Richard has a gorgeous operation where he has 500, 13-year-old chestnut trees that produced 20,000 pounds last year.  His orchard is what… 

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